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Monday, July 24, 2006

Shifting a Gear

There are days when one generally feels motivated and generally charged up. This i feel is one of those days. But i hope i can maintain this new found drive.
First of all, i need to start my appin process as the essays for various schools have already been put up and i havent even started anything as of now. Have been bugging navin time n again n he has been patient enough to understand my follow ups. I dunno when i will be able to get in touch with amol. He is also under tremendous pressure since he has just been working for a few months and will require time to settle in. Though wud be requiring his help in many ways. Help Amol !!!!!!
Lets c how far i go through in my endeavour. But bloggie u might be wondering wat has been the driver for this excessive urgency??? Its partly fuelled by the recent resignations in my office . My batch MTs have resigned. So i guess peer pressure is finally catching up .......

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Many of us look upto elders to solve our seemingly innocuous queries. I still remember myself being a kid and always askin the silliest of silly questions. I never took into account (obviously as a 4 year old ,one is not supposed to analyze anything !!!) that my so called simple questions would stump the wise old men (because it was way too silly for them to answer).
All this story came back flooding to my mind BECAUSE....... yesterday a 4 year old asked me a simple question.....i'll put it in his words " Uncle ( stumbling...n falling on the ground....) Uncle....
can u tell me where does the SUN go after it sets"........
For 2 mins....i was stunned....obviously i cannot give him scientific gyaan. So how to put into a format which this sweet lil kid will understand?
An impulsive response from me is stated below-
"Like your daddy goes to work every morning and requires some rest after a tiring day,Sun also provides u light the whole day and hence is tired . So it goes to sleep so that it is fresh again the next morning.... "
Dunno where that response came from. But one thing was sure.....the simplest of questions can be so difficult sometime, to answer.Thanx Prasoon (4 year old's name) .... to make me realise that.