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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stressed out......

Past 24 hours for me have been the most nerve wracking . Every hour has brought up a new dilemma.The day started with dad asking me whether I would get leave of about 13 days for a trip abroad. Impulsively i uttered yes (can justify that iam desperate for a vacation now!!! its been a year since i had a decent break) . I realised just after ( and it had to be that the booking was made by then :-(( )that i may not make it to that trip as some work n other committments wud force me to chuck it. Entire morning was wasted literally just brooding over this.
Then there was this discussion in which my current state was the core of the debate. The point was whether to "app" now or sit n crack gmat again.It would have been so fruitful had my pals n me arrived at a definite verdict ....but to my bad luck half the junta said app now immediately n half the junta saying dude...try n go for that glorious score (if at all......) again....
As if this was not enough,a repeat order (already test passed design ) for a 66kV product has run into rough weather. Compounding my problems is the fact that i dont have any information the way this earlier design was done n to look into it would atleast take a day and to add to my woes the shop floor wants the clarification in an hour.....
I have only few words to describe wat one should do when plagued by such dilemmas........Look up into the sky n pray to god SAVE MY SOUL....:-)

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